Ex-game designer
Outer Wilds was accurate!
Wooden spaceships, helmets, and other contraptions, augmented with metals and… other “spoiler” materials.
To anyone interested in space with a day or two to spare, I highly recommend playing Outer Wilds. It’s very good and unlike any other game (and I can’t explain why without spoiling the magic).
Sharing my TypeScript Result type for anyone who’s crazy like me and wishes they had “if let” and doesn’t want “.value” everywhere.
You can do this:
const user = await fetchUserDTO(123);
// user is Result<UserDTO, Error>
if(!isOk(user)) { something(user.err); return; }
user.name; // user is narrowed to UserDTO
Source: export const FailSym: unique symbol = (globalThis as any).____FailSym ?? Symbol('FailSym');
(globalThis as any).____FailSym = FailSym;
export type Result<T, E> = T | {
[FailSym]: true,
err: E
export function Ok<T>(val: T): Result<T, never> { return val; }
export function Fail<E>(err: E): Result<never, E> { return {[FailSym]: true, err}; }
export function isOk<T, E>(val: Result<T, E>): val is T { return !(typeof val == 'object' && val != null && FailSym in val); }
export function isFail<T, E>(val: Result<T, E>): val is Result<never, E> { return typeof val == 'object' && val != null && FailSym in val; }
export function resultify<T, E>(promise: Promise<T>): Promise<Result<T, E>> {
return promise.then(Ok, err => Fail(err as any));
This project is an enhanced reader for Ycombinator Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/.
The interface also allow to comment, post and interact with the original HN platform. Credentials are stored locally and are never sent to any server, you can check the source code here: https://github.com/GabrielePicco/hacker-news-rich.
For suggestions and features requests you can write me here: gabrielepicco.github.io